How to transport Parrots in India?
In this article, we are going to learn the various methods that are available to us to transport our parrot (or any such bird) within India. We will look at all available options – bus, train, airways, etc.
So, let’s begin.

- How to transport parrot by Bus?
- How to transport parrot by Train?
- How to transport parrot by Air Plane?
- Which transportation method is the best to transport Parrots?
How to transport parrot by Bus?
If you are parcelling a pet, or someone else is parcelling them to you, then it is often done in cardboard boxes.
Dogs and Cats are often kept in baskets, and birds in cages. Then these baskets and cages are placed in a cardboard box.
Do ensure that the cardboard boxes are well-ventilated. For this purpose, a gap is left on the top of the box, and some holes are made on its sides. Otherwise, the pets inside may suffocate to death during long transportation. It has been shown in the picture given below:
The cardboard box also protects them from extreme heat, cold or rain. However, make sure that people transporting your pets know that there are living parrots inside the cardboard box, and they should handle the box with care – not throw it around, or place some heavy box over it.
For this purpose, write over the box in English and local language that there are live animals inside. Also, let them know in person or over the call. If needed, pay them some extra money to ensure that they give extra attention to your live cargo.
Also, before transporting your parrots through a courier, make sure that they are well-fed and are not thirsty. You should also place some food in their basket/cage. Place a water bottle too in there (with holes), and don’t forget to tie it. If the water bottle will roll, then it may hurt your pets, and the water will get spilled over.
However, in many cases they will not be able to eat or drink during the transport, as any food or water that you will keep inside their basket or cage may get spilled over. Also, pets are somewhat distressed during such transportation, away from their owners, and in an alien environment, and so they often do not eat or drink.
As soon as you get your pet, make sure you give them something to drink and eat. And do let them rest. They will be tired after such a long ride – both physically, and psychologically.

If you are buying your parrots from some other city, then the person sending you the parrots will send you a video before giving the box to the bus or train transport. The video will confirm that the parrots were fine, healthy and alive before they were handed over to the transportation guys. If something happens to them during the transport, then they will not be liable.
How to transport parrot by Train?
To transport any pet of yours via train in India, the first thing you should do is book your ticket (if you are intending to take the pet with you). Then go to parcel department, and book a ticket for your pet.

You don’t need a trade licence of any sorts to transport your own pets. However, the pet being transported must not be an Indian wild animal, protected under Wildlife Conservation Act of India.
For example, you cannot transfer Indian wild parrots (e.g. Indian Ringneck parrot) by this method. Rather, you will be caught and then fined. Only foreign, and exotic pet breeds can be kept as a pet legally, and transported via public transport.
You can book a ticket for II AC, III AC or Sleeper compartments. However, you cannot transport a pet in these compartments. Though you can carry a pet along with you in I AC compartment (if other passengers do not object). If other passengers in your compartment are not comfortable with your pets and they register a complaint, then your pets will be transferred to the guard’s cabin.
You can keep your pets with you, or in the Guard’s compartment. There’s a separate place in Guard’s compartment to keep such items.
However, you can also parcel them. Just go to the parcel department at the railway station, and let them know that you are intending to transport live pets.
It may cost you around Rs. 500. The price will vary based on the size of the bird cage or the basket.
The transportation will be done by the parcel department, i.e. you won’t be required to carry the parrots with you. You just have to submit them to the parcel department. Those guys will load those on the train themselves.
However, packaging will be your responsibility. You will also find some guys on the railway station that will do the packaging for you. You will just have to pay them some amount. But it would be better if you can package your pets yourself. Other people will do it in a hurry, and may use inferior quality material.

If I am transporting my bike, or some other luggage through train, then I let those guys do the packaging. However, in case of pets I make sure to do the packaging myself.
How to transport parrot by Air Plane?
The first thing you should do is to check whether a particular airline accepts pet animals or not, especially birds.
You also need to check about the legal issues. Many airlines may require you to produce a health certificate for your bird (that has been issued 14 days to 28 days back).
However, you will be asked for a medical certificate only if you are carrying the bird with you. If you are transporting the parrots via commercial shipping, you generally don’t need any health certificate.

Policies of airlines keep on changing from one month to another. Also, many a times the personnel are not very well trained, and may give you contradicting information. So, always triple check.
Now, there are three ways via which we can transport our parrots in a plane.
Carry on the parrots with you
We can carry them in a closed basket and place the basket under the seat in front of us. But even then we will need to pay for their ticket.
Also, if you cannot fit your cage under the seat in front of you, you are in a jam. You cannot place pet baskets in overhead cabinets either.
So, always enquire with your airline regarding the bird basket or cage size that you can carry with you. But even then, there may be some hiccups, e.g. what if you are transferred to a different plane?
Apart from these issues, you will have to face a few more problems and restrictions if you intend to carry your parrot with you.
You cannot carry a lot of parrots with you as carry on. Ideally just one, or maybe two. Not more. And those must be small in size; so just small-size or middle-size parrots. Nothing bigger than an African Grey parrot. You cannot carry big pets with you as carry on. And fitting large pets in small carry-on baskets/cages may be very uncomfortable for them.
There will be rigorous security check of your pet and you. Your parrot will be passed through an X-ray scanner, and you will probably be striped searched too. These are precautionary steps, as smugglers often tend to use innovative methods to transport drugs.
Place the parrot in cargo hold of your plane
We can transport them by placing them in the cargo hold of the plane. However, it’s a bit risky. The airline personnel handling the bird basket or cage may mishandle it, causing harm to the birds inside.
Also, the cargo holds of planes may not be as well insulated from cold. Planes fly at high altitudes, where temperature may drop way below freezing temperature. That may be traumatic, or even life-threatening for your parrot. Though airlines do maintain temperature and pressure in cargo holds too. But I have come across some cases wherein the owners saw the water in the bird cage completely frozen, which is a clear indication that temperature in cargo hold dipped way below 0° C.
The cargo department of an airline is often situated some distance away from the main terminal. So, make sure you find that out beforehand and go there with plenty of time at your hand (atleast 3-4 hours before your flight time). The attitude of airline personnel working here is not always very welcoming and there may be delays.
In worst case scenarios, these guys may even forget to load your pets onto the plane, or may load them in a different plane. Getting your pets back in such situations may take many days. Some of your parrots may not be that resilient and perish.
So, always properly label the cardboard having your bird basket/cage. Also, tell these guys that there are live birds inside. Just do anything you can do to make sure that the guys handling them know what’s inside.
Transport the birds vis Commercial Shipping
You may also transport your birds via commercial shipping. You need not travel with your parrot in the same plane. This is often done when you purchase some exotic pet from a city far away from your home. Pet sellers often ship the pets via this method.
Needless to say, this method also carries the same risks that we talked about above with respect to cargo holds of planes. Probably, a bit more.
Also, the insurance cover you get here will be a lot less. Anyways, if you lose your parrot in transit, getting insurance money for that will not be able to diminish your pain. Even if you manage to get that. There are so many hassles involved in claiming insurance, that many people don’t even bother.
Also keep in mind, that the in-cabin carrier that we use when we carry the birds with us cannot be used here. Generally, airlines cargo departments do not allow baggage that can split in half. So, if your pet basket can be opened like a suitcase, or you have a cage that can be opened via hinge, then they will not be allowed. If the top portion of the cage can be opened like a lid, then also it won’t be allowed. You may use duct tape to close all these doors, but then it’s the prerogative of the airline employees to allow it or not. They may, they may not.
Moreover, the box having your pets must be properly ventilated – it’s an essential legal requirement. You will do that anyways for the sake of your pets.
The open sides of the cage must be covered by a mesh. It protects the people from getting accidently bitten by the parrots. An airline may refuse to load your parrots if even a single side of their cage basket is without mesh. Just plain screen-door meshes will be sufficient. Tape them around the bird cage. Many airlines also require you to place mosquito net around the cage.
The cage basket must also have a three-quarter inch ridge around it. It will avoid the bird cage to get very close to other items. If other luggage is packed tight with the cage, then the parrot may bite and destroy them.
Many airlines require that the plastic bird cage must be bolted together with metal bolts, and not just plastic ones. Metal bolts make the bird cage much hardier and more durable.
The bottom of the cage should have water absorbent material, e.g. newspaper. towels, etc.
There should be a water bowl attached to the insides of the front door. It will enable the airlines employees to give water to the parrots in case there is some delay. A food bowl may be attached to the top of the cage.

Many airlines have a policy, that your cage/basket must be big enough for the dog or cat to be able to stand and move 360° without being obstructed by cage walls. The requirements are not as strict in case of birds. But avoid packing them in small confinements anyways.
Which transportation method is the best to transport Parrots?
Well, the best method will depend a lot on where you are and how long the transportation distance is. In general, for long distances the air route is the best. It’s the fastest, and hence your parrots will not have to remain unattended for long. So, risk of them getting agitated, afraid or remaining hungry and thirsty for long will be less.
However, this method is expensive to say the least. And probably a bit risky too. But if we have to travel thousands of kilometers, then we often have no other option.
If possible, try to keep your pets close to you while transporting them. That way, they will be the safest and much more comfortable. So, my preference for short distance travel will always be my own car, train, or a bus, in that order.
Train ride is much smoother than a bus ride, and there’s more space available for you to keep your pets. Here the legal rules, and other transportation restrictions are also less, as compared to airlines.