Pros and Cons of keeping pet fish
If you are thinking of getting a pet fish and an aquarium, and are in research mode, then you have landed at the right place. In this article we are going to discuss all the positives, negatives, and risks involved in owning a pet fish.

- Pros of owning a pet fish
- Cons of owning a pet fish
Pros of a pet fish
Soothing and Ascetic ambiance
Having a large, clean aquarium with some nice fishes may add a pretty soothing and ascetic touch to your house/room. Just turn off the room lights at night, put on a slow, melodious music and look at the aquarium. It almost seems majestic - probably the perfect night light for sound sleep, meditation, slumber party etc.
Combination of water sounds and fishes minding their own business definitely decreases stress and anxiety levels.
Good experience for kids
Having a fish tank at home is like a small science project or a hobby. Your kids would love it. It will also inculcate in them the traits of taking care of others and being responsible.
Low maintenance
Though we need to feed the fishes on a regular basis, and change the aquarium water now and then, but still fishes are considered low maintenance. You need not take out your fishes for a walk, you need not train them, and you need not bathe them for certain. So, as compared to other pets, fishes are very less time consuming.

However, low maintenance does not mean no maintenance.
Many people, who have just got into this hobby, fall into the trap of getting a variety of exotic fishes, without proper research. Sometimes, those fishes do not even belong together in a fish tank and fall sick. Or, they may get a lot of aquariums and later on burn out maintaining them and soon lose interest in the fishes altogether.
So, initially start with just one fish tank, and only a few fishes. Stick with it for some years.
Cons of a pet fish
Lack of bonding and entertainment
Many people like to get pets because once they bond with you, they become your life-long friends. This is a thing that you may not experience with fishes. Also, fishes are just carefree and go about their business in a casual manner. They won’t entertain you in a way that a dog, cat or a parrot would. Some would say that they are rather boring.

Because fishes cannot come to you and express their discomfort, you will have to be extra vigilant. Keep a sharp eye on any signs of discomfort or any abnormal behaviour.
There are going to be a lot of expenses, if you are going to have a pet fish - some that are very easy to predict, and a few hidden ones too. We will list a few of them here for you:
- Food expenses
- Aquarium related expenses, e.g. filter, heater, water cleaner etc.
- Medical expenses
Schedule and Time table
Maintenance of fishes require you to make up a schedule, and follow a time-table. That is, there has to be a certain routine - when you are going to feed them, when you are going to clean the aquarium etc. So, if you are one of those lazy souls, think again!
Maintaining an aquarium in pristine condition requires a lot of work. You will have to change fish water frequently, check the water parameters from time to time (e.g. acidity levels, temperature etc.), clean the algae, wood fungus, change or clean water filters etc.
Irregular feeding routine or unclean water may end up sickening your fishes. Before getting a fish, keep in mind these responsibilities.
Plant requirements
If you have live plants in your aquarium, then you will have to make sure they get proper lighting and the required conditions. You will have to find out what to feed them, what environmental parameters they need etc.
No long holidays
Once you get any pet, going on a holiday becomes a very hard thing to do. Though fishes are not going to miss you as much as a cat or a dog would, but they still need someone to feed them and take care of them. You cannot carry fishes with you anywhere; so, mobility is an issue with fishes.
So, if you are going out for some days, make sure there’s someone back at home who can take care of them. And he needs to have some knowledge of fish care. An absolute novice won’t suffice.
Water Hazard and Disasters
Keeping a tank full of water in a house can cause some hazards. Water can spill, there might be seepage and humidity issues etc.
Moreover, disasters are a part and parcel of fish-keeping. There’s hardly anyone who have kept fishes long enough, and never faced any disaster. They may come in many forms - your fishes may die all of a sudden, the fish tank may fall and break etc. Just keep a strong heart and move on.
Make sure everyone’s on the same page regarding the placement of the aquarium - in which kid’s room it’s going to be, or will it be in the common area. Frequent shifting of aquarium is something you should and would definitely avoid. It’s just something we do not have to worry about with other pets.
And yes, before you get a pet fish for yourself, make sure you do enough research on the species of your fish, their special needs, the kind of aquarium they need, how to maintain an aquarium, what to feed a fish etc. Also, make sure that you and your family are ready for the responsibility that comes with it.